‘We are called to be faithful:’ Pro-lifers gather in weekly prayer to defeat Prop 3

Fr. Alex Kratz, OFM, director of Terra Sancta Ministries, kneels in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as he leads a holy hour for life Oct. 19 at the Shrine Chapel of Our Lady of Orchard Lake. Fr. Kratz and an estimated 100 Catholics have been gathering weekly on Wednesdays since August to pray for the defeat of Proposal 3. (Photos by Daniel Meloy | Detroit Catholic)

Fr. Alex Kratz, OFM, gives pro-life sermons during Wednesday evening holy hours at Orchard Lake Schools, imploring God's help

ORCHARD LAKE — Catholics have been canvassing, speaking out and encouraging others to consider the dangerous ramifications of Proposal 3 and to vote no.

And while advocacy, politicking and action are important in any campaign, the faithful have one power that is unmatched: prayer.

Fr. Alex Kratz, OFM, has led a weekly holy hour to defeat Proposal 3 on the campus of the Orchard Lake Schools since August, asking for God’s protection of the innocent and guidance for Michigan’s voters in the buildup to the Nov. 8 election.

An average of 100 people gather every Wednesday at Our Lady of Orchard Lake Chapel for 7 p.m. Mass, followed by a holy hour and sermon from Fr. Kratz on the importance of the upcoming election, which could “make Michigan the most radical state in the country when it comes to abortion.”

Fr. Alex Kratz, OFM, delivers a sermon Oct. 19 about the dangers of Proposal 3, calling on Catholics to increase their prayer, advocacy and efforts as the Nov. 8 election nears. Regardless of the outcome, he said, "We are called to be faithful, not successful, as Mother Teresa said."
Fr. Alex Kratz, OFM, delivers a sermon Oct. 19 about the dangers of Proposal 3, calling on Catholics to increase their prayer, advocacy and efforts as the Nov. 8 election nears. Regardless of the outcome, he said, "We are called to be faithful, not successful, as Mother Teresa said."

“Nights like tonight are very important,” Fr. Kratz, director of Terra Sancta Ministries, told Detroit Catholic. “It is asking God for help, grace, strength and mercy. Also it’s a time for encouragement for folks to come together with fellow believers and know we are not alone in this fight.”

After Mass, Fr. Kratz leads the faithful in holy hour devotions and the Sorrowful Mysteries of the rosary before the Blessed Sacrament. Fr. Kratz then delivers a sermon, encouraging the faithful to put out yard signs opposing Proposal 3, take literature to give to friends and family and to pray for the success of the “No” campaign.

“Ask Jesus to increase your faith, to widen the pipeline of the Holy Spirit, because I’m going to need more faith as the days go on,” Fr. Kratz said. “There are things that will shake our faith, so we need to build it up now. We must be in battle mode these next couple weeks. Do not relax your efforts; pray and politick.”

Fr. Kratz encouraged attendees to form small prayer groups to pray for those advocating against Proposal 3, noting that throughout the Church’s history, some of the most dramatic — even impossible — things have happened when the faithful have gathered together to pray.

A man bows his head in prayer, praying the rosary before the Blessed Sacrament at the Shrine Chapel of Our Lady of Orchard Lake. Across the Archdiocese of Detroit, Catholics have been gathering for pro-life holy hours to defeat Proposal 3.
A man bows his head in prayer, praying the rosary before the Blessed Sacrament at the Shrine Chapel of Our Lady of Orchard Lake. Across the Archdiocese of Detroit, Catholics have been gathering for pro-life holy hours to defeat Proposal 3.

“Prayer in numbers, united prayer is extremely powerful,” Fr. Kratz said. “In Acts 12, the first pope, Peter, was in prison. The Church prayed fervently for him at Mark’s house, and an angel was sent to prison to release him. That really is a template. When we gather with believers and pray, with faith, God can shift entire realities in an amazingly quick time.”

Fr. Kratz said voting against Proposal 3 is the minimum for Catholics, who are called as people of faith to get out and spread the message about why the proposal is dangerous for Michigan residents and why abortion is such a big issue for the Church.

“Let’s intercede for those who go door to door, that the Holy Spirit reaches people's hearts and minds,” Fr. Kratz said, “that people who are brave enough go door to door have the right words, the right tone, that they reach people and say the right things."

“Let’s pray the rosary like never before with fervor and frequency," Fr. Kratz added. "The Blessed Mother wants to help us, and she already is — she loves the unborn more than any of us.”

Fr. Kratz encouraged attendees to place yard signs on their lawns, educate others about the dangers of Proposal 3, and intercede for those going door to door to persuade voters before the Nov. 8 election.
Fr. Kratz encouraged attendees to place yard signs on their lawns, educate others about the dangers of Proposal 3, and intercede for those going door to door to persuade voters before the Nov. 8 election.

Election Day is two weeks away, and Fr. Kratz is set to lead another holy hour at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 2, at Our Lady of Orchard Lake Chapel, 3535 Commerce Road, Orchard Lake.

But on the following Wednesday, Nov. 9, a day after Election Day, the message, the prayer and the pro-life cause will remain the same.

“We are unflinching. Our call is to be faithful, not successful, as Mother Teresa said,” Fr. Kratz said. “Regardless of the results, I think this has energized and mobilized us to fight the good fight. Even if Proposal 3 is defeated, it’s not like everything is going to stop; there will be strong opposition. So we know this is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Holy Hours for Life in the Archdiocese of Detroit

For a full list of pro-life holy hours and events to defeat Proposal 3 in the Archdiocese of Detroit, visit detroitcatholic.com/events/pro-life.


Proposal 3