Want to get involved? Local Catholic events in the month of November

Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron leads the Archdiocese of Detroit during the opening Mass of Synod 16 at St. Aloysius Church in downtown Detroit on Nov. 18, 2016. On Nov. 20, 2021, the archdiocese will celebrate the fifth anniversary of the synod with a special Mass at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament. (Michael Stechschulte | Detroit Catholic file photo)

DETROIT Looking for something to do before the holiday season gets into full swing? Check out these Catholic events throughout southeast Michigan, some of which can be done safely from your couch with leftover Halloween/All-Saints candy in hand.

Loving Through Loss: A Couples Grief Workshop (Saturday, Nov. 6)
(St. Anastasia Parish, Troy)

A workshop designed to help couples understand how the trauma of child loss affects the family dynamic and how to love each other through the complexity of loss. The workshop is open to anyone who has lost a child at any age or phase of life.

The workshop will run from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Detroit's Office of Family Support Ministry. Cost is $35 per individual or $50 per couple, and includes a participant guide, light breakfast and lunch. Learn more and register here. If you are in need of a scholarship or need assistance with registration, contact Nicole Joyce at [email protected] or (313) 237-5776.

Black Catholic Ministries Gospel Choir Concert: 10th Anniversary (Sunday, Nov. 7)
(Sacred Heart Parish, Detroit)

Join the Black Catholic Ministries Gospel Choir for their 10th Anniversary Concert at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 7. Cost of admission is $10 per person. Tickets may be purchased online or at the door.

For questions or concerns, contact Marilyn Webb at [email protected] or (313) 596-7140. Tickets can be purchased here.

Live at the Basilica: 'Jesus – The Master Psychologist' (Wednesday, Nov. 10)
(National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica, Royal Oak)

Dr. Ray Gaurendi will speak in the second installment of "Live at the Basilica," a monthly lecture series at the National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica in Royal Oak, at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 10.

Dr. Guarendi is a Catholic father of 10 adopted children, a clinical psychologist, author, professional speaker and national radio and television host. His radio show, “The Doctor Is In,” can be heard on more than 440 stations and on Sirius XM channel 130. His TV show, “Living Right With Dr. Ray” can be seen on EWTN Global Catholic Network.

This event is sponsored by the Catholic Foundation of Michigan.

LEM Speaker Series: Catholic Social Teaching (Thursday, Nov. 11)
(Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit)

Fr. Don Archambault, retired former pastor of Corpus Christi Parish in Detroit, will speak as a part of Sacred Heart Major Seminary's Lay Ecclesial Ministry (LEM) Speakers Series from 1-2:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 11 at the seminary. Fr. Archambault's talk on Catholic social teaching is titled, “Unleashing the Gospel through Catholic Social Teaching in our Daily Lives and Ministry.”

Fr. Archambault will share life experiences from his 33 years of being a pastor in an urban parish about how Catholic social teaching flows from Scripture and can take root in our parishes, minds and hearts.

Register here.

Gold Mass for Scientists and Engineers (Monday, Nov. 15)
(Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Detroit)

Scientists and engineers are invited to celebrate Mass with cathedral rector Fr. J.J. Mech on Monday, Nov. 15, at 7 p.m. on the feast of St. Albert the Great, patron saint of scientists.

The Gold Mass was created by the Society of Catholic Scientists in 2016, inspired by a speech by Pope St. John Paul II to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in 1979, and the belief that faith and reason are necessary partners. The Gold Mass is “gold” because that is the color of the regalia hood worn by those graduating with doctoral degrees in science.

A reception for fellowship and networking will follow Mass. Questions can be addressed to John Hannigan at [email protected].

National Catholic Youth Conference (Thursday, Nov. 18 - Saturday, Nov. 20)
(Virtual Event/Indianapolis, Ind.)

Join the Archdiocese of Detroit's own Auxiliary Bishop Robert Fisher and the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry in attending the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis. Archdiocesan youth can opt to attend the three-day event virtually, where they can experience the 2021 theme, “Ablaze,” and encounter Christ, experience the Church and become empowered for discipleship.

Virtual attendees can steam the event for $25 per ticket or can opt to create their own NCYC event within their own parishes with a virtual experience package. Purchase tickets here or contact the registration team.

Covenant House Sleepout (Thursday, Nov. 18 - Friday, Nov. 19)
(Virtual Event)

Covenant House, a refuge for homeless youth and teenagers, invites you to take part in its annual sleepout in solidarity with homeless youth. This year’s event will be conducted virtually.

Sleepers are invited to join an interactive virtual program, which will introduce them to young people who have overcome homelessness, inform them about issues related to youth homelessness and connect them with other sleepers across the country. Sleepers commit to a fundraising goal of at least $5,000 in order to help provide homeless youth with clothes, supplies and mental health screenings. Register here.

Parish Day of Renewal (Friday, Nov. 19)
(Livestream Event)

This year’s Parish Day of Renewal will explore the "Witness" phase of the Encounter/Grow/Witness paradigm, featuring Mary Healy, Ph.D., professor of Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, as the keynote speaker. Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron will also address the attendees. Register online for free here.

20th Anniversary Pipe Organ Concert (Friday, Nov. 19)
(Our Lady Star of the Sea, Grosse Pointe Woods)

Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish in Grosse Pointe Woods is hosting a 20th anniversary pipe organ concert featuring several local, accomplished organists, including Ronald Prowse, Ph.D., retired director of music at Sacred Heart Major Seminary; Matthew Jakubisin, director of music at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Grand Rapids and former music minister at Our Lady Star of the Sea; Glenn Miller, current music minister; and accompanied by soprano Angela Theis.

The concert marks the 20th anniversary of when the church’s pipe organ was built in 2001, gifted by the late Peter and Connie Cracchiolo, founding parishioners of Our Lady Star of the Sea. The organ is regarded as one of the finest in the region.

The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. No admission fee. For more information, call (313) 884-5554.

A Mass Celebrating the Fifth Anniversary of Synod 16 (Saturday, Nov. 20)
(Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Detroit)

Nov. 20, 2021, the feast of Christ the King, marks the fifth anniversary of Synod 16, a pivotal milestone in the Archdiocese of Detroit’s mission to Unleash the Gospel in southeast Michigan.

In this Eucharistic celebration, the Archdiocese of Detroit will join in prayer with the Holy Father’s desire to make the entire Church, including the archdiocese, a synodal Church envisioned by the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council — a Church committed to listening, praying, and discerning a missionary path forward together.

Everyone is invited to join Archbishop Vigneron for a Mass at 7 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament to celebrate this anniversary and to give thanks. Register for the Mass here.

Have an event you'd like Detroit Catholic to consider for this roundup? Email [email protected] with "Events" in the subject line.


Events lists