U.S. bishops' Catholic Relief Services advances relief efforts at home, abroad

Workers at a camp in Terrain Toto, Haiti, construct transitional shelters provided by Catholic Relief Services for those left homeless in the 2010 earthquake. The Catholic Relief Services Collection takes place in many dioceses March 18-19, 2023, to support the U.S. church's work overseas. (OSV News photo/CNS file, Bob Roller)

WASHINGTON (OSV News) – The Catholic Relief Services Collection, an annual fund supporting Catholic Church organizations that carry out international relief efforts, will be taken up in March, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said.

"With so many global humanitarian disasters and suffering people, it's often difficult to decide how to respond effectively," Bishop James S. Wall, of Gallup, New Mexico, chairman of the USCCB Committee on National Collections, said in a written statement about this year's effort. However, he said thanks to gifts to the Catholic Relief Services Collection, sponsored by the USCCB, Catholics "can address a range of needs worldwide."

"Each gift to this annual collection, which most dioceses will take up this year on March 18-19, helps people everywhere in the name of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church," he added. "Whenever you give, your offering is multiplied by thousands of fellow Catholics, bringing rescue and relief among the most vulnerable and marginalized people on earth."

The bishop noted also that Catholics can give through the #iGiveCatholicTogether campaign (igivecatholictogether.org) where the USCCB collection is listed.

The fund will provide support for Catholic Relief Services, the U.S. bishops' international relief and development agency, as well as the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, or CLINIC, the Holy Father's Relief Fund, the USCCB Department of Migration and Refugee Services for refugee resettlement, the USCCB Department of International Justice and Peace, and the USCCB Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church.

"As chairman of the USCCB Committee on National Collections, I see the good works that our Catholic people make possible through this collection," Bishop Wall said. "Their support helps reveal Christ's love to refugees, victims of wars and disasters, and people with unique pastoral needs."

In a 2021 annual report, the USCCB reported more than $13 million in net assets from the fund at the end of that year. The report detailed disbursements of grants to groups aiding migrants around the globe and other efforts to care for the vulnerable.

The fund has previously aided more than 75,000 Afghans who fled Taliban persecution in their homeland to resettle in the United States, peacemaking efforts in Congo and improved conditions in refugee camps in Uganda, Bishop Wall said.

The fund also has provided for an apostolate of the Catholic Church for the people of the sea, known as “Stella Maris,” part of the USCCB program for the Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees and Travelers, which ministers to people who work in seafaring roles without regular access to Mass.

"Stella Maris missionaries at ports on the Gulf Coast brought sacraments and pastoral care, co-sponsored COVID vaccinations and provided Bibles, rosaries and care packages for voyages ahead," Bishop Wall said.

Acknowledging that the "needs are many," Bishop Wall continued, "I ask you to be especially generous this year to bring hope to those who do not know how they will survive, who feel alone and no longer believe that anyone cares about them."

"Please prayerfully consider whether you can increase your giving to this collection this year," he said. "I have shared some examples of the good works that this collection supports. And although you cannot see the recipients, God does, and when you give to this collection you become his instruments of love and mercy."

