The Joshua Chorale: Bringing sacred music to common spaces (VIDEO)

DETROIT — Sacred music composed by Mozart and performed by a group of dedicated Catholic musicians were lifted to the heavens May 13, as audience members sat in awe and wonder.

The setting, though, wasn't a cathedral or basilica, or even a parish church. Rather, members of the Joshua Chorale brought their singing voices to Detroit's Renaissance Center's stately Wintergarden atrium, with the Detroit River in the background and curious onlookers stopping to catch a song or two.

"The purpose of this is to bring sacred music to people and places who would not otherwise hear it," said Sarah Dudek, director of music at St. John Vianney Parish in Shelby Township and creator of the Joshua Chorale. "A lot of people really love sacred music. A lot of people really love classical music, and they really love choral music, but they wouldn't know it because they don't encounter it."

Although the Joshua Chorale does sell tickets to its performances, the public nature of its concerts means anyone passing by can be exposed to the beauty of sacred song, Dudek said.

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