The episcopal insignia: The meaning of the miter, crozier, ring and pectoral cross

The episcopal miter, a headdress worn by bishops since the early days of the Church, symbolizes the bishop's authority. In one tradition, the miter symbolizes the "helmet of salvation" referenced by St. Paul in Ephesians 6:17, with the two lapels on the back symbolic of the Old and New Testaments, and a reminder to keep both the spirit and letter of the word of God. (Pablo Esparza | Detroit Catholic)

DETROIT — When a priest of the Roman Catholic Church becomes a bishop, he is entitled to wear certain vestments and utilize specific liturgical adornments. In addition to the colorful cassock and sash, bishops are identified by the following articles: a miter, a crozier, a ring and a pectoral cross.

Archbishop-designate Edward J. Weisenburger would have worn these adornments previously as bishop of the Diocese of Tucson and the Diocese of Salina, but the miter and crozier will be given to him again at his March 18 installation Mass at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament to signify his new role as leader of the Archdiocese of Detroit.

Miter (or mitre)

St. John Paul II's miter stands on display at the St. John Paul II National Shrine in Washington July 18, 2019. (Elizabeth Bachmann | CNS photo)
St. John Paul II's miter stands on display at the St. John Paul II National Shrine in Washington July 18, 2019. (Elizabeth Bachmann | CNS photo)

This is the liturgical headdress worn by bishops on formal occasions, including some parts of the Mass. The pointed headwear is worn only by the pope, cardinals, bishops and occasionally abbots and monsignors. The miter is of Roman origin, derived from a non-liturgical papal head covering call the “camelaucum,” a helmet-shaped cap. Use of the miter began as early as the eighth century and has evolved through many shapes and designs. By about 1100-1150, the custom of wearing the miter was general among bishops.


Archbishop-designate Edward J. Weisenburger carries his crosier in procession during his farewell Mass in the Diocese of Tucson on March 2. (Courtesy of the Diocese of Tucson)
Archbishop-designate Edward J. Weisenburger carries his crosier in procession during his farewell Mass in the Diocese of Tucson on March 2. (Courtesy of the Diocese of Tucson)

This is the ceremonial staff carried by a bishop, hooked at one end like a shepherd’s crook. It has been symbol of episcopal office since the early days of the Church. Durandus, an early Church writer, explained the significance of the crozier: “The end is sharp to goad the slothful, the middle is straight to signify righteous rule, while the head is bent to draw in and attract souls to the way of God.” In the past, bishops and archbishops carried their croziers with the crook turned outward, while auxiliaries carried them with the crook facing inward.


An episcopal ring sits on a plate in the sacristy of St. Agnes Cathedral in Rockville Centre. (Gregory A. Shemitz, Long Island Catholic | CNS photo)
An episcopal ring sits on a plate in the sacristy of St. Agnes Cathedral in Rockville Centre. (Gregory A. Shemitz, Long Island Catholic | CNS photo)

The ring of a bishop is worn on the fourth finger of the right hand, a sign of a bishop’s betrothal to his Church. A decree from Pope Boniface IV in 610 and documents from the Fourth Council of Toledo in 633 are the first recorded mentions of a ring as an ornament of the office of bishop. Also in the 600s, St. Isidore of Seville declared that the ring of a bishop is “an emblem of pontifical dignity.”

Pectoral cross

The pectoral cross of a cardinal is pictured in this photograph taken at the Vatican on June 11, 2021. (Vatican Media | CNS photo)
The pectoral cross of a cardinal is pictured in this photograph taken at the Vatican on June 11, 2021. (Vatican Media | CNS photo)

The pectoral cross is the latest episcopal ornament to be adopted and worn by the pope, cardinals, bishops, abbots and other prelates entitled to use the pontifical insignia. The first mention made of the pectoral cross as part of pontifical ornament is by Pope Innocent III, and its use as such only became customary toward the close of the middle ages. It is worn on the chest attached to a chain or silken cord. While the pectoral crosses in use today are relatively modest, they are made of some precious metal.


The cathedra, or archbishop's chair, is pictured inside the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Detroit. On March 18, Archbishop Weisenburger will sit on the cathedra for the first time, signifying the inauguration of his ministry as archbishop of Detroit. (Valaurian Waller | Detroit Catholic)
The cathedra, or archbishop's chair, is pictured inside the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Detroit. On March 18, Archbishop Weisenburger will sit on the cathedra for the first time, signifying the inauguration of his ministry as archbishop of Detroit. (Valaurian Waller | Detroit Catholic)

The bishop’s chair. This is where the head of a diocese or archdiocese sits in the principal church, in this case the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Archbishop-designate Weisenburger becomes the ordinary of Detroit once he sits in the cathedra, and Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron won’t sit in the chair again after that.


Bishops Archdiocese of Detroit Episcopal transition