Sr. Mary Bernardine Fabiszak, CSSF

Sr. Mary Bernardine Fabiszak, CSSF Sr. Mary Bernardine Fabiszak, CSSF

Sr. Mary Bernardine Fabiszak, CSSF, born Aug. 4, 1925, entered eternal life while in St. Joseph Care Center Convent on Oct. 15. Sister was a religious for 72 years.

Beatrice Margaret Fabiszak was the eleventh child of Frank and Balbina (Cerkowska), born in Cedar, Mich.

She was accepted into the Felician Congregation, invested with the habit in 1944 and received the name Sr. Mary Bernardine. She pronounced first vows in 1945 and final profession in 1951.

Sr. Fabiszak earned degrees from Madonna University and the University of Notre Dame before spending 42 years teaching at Our Lady of Mt. Camel, Wyandotte; Sacred Heart, St. Albertus, Our Lady Help of Christians, St. John Cantius, and St. Christine in Detroit; St. Stanislaus, Ludington; St. Joseph Home for Boys, Jackson; St. Stanislaus and All Saints Diocesan High School in Bay City; Our Lady of the Rosary, Cedar; Manistee Catholic Central, Manistee; Our Lady of the Lake, Prudenville; St. John Vianney, Wyoming; and St. Mary, Ruth.

Sr. Fabiszak directed several children’s choirs and served as music director, and from 1988-95 served in pastoral ministry at St. Adalbert, South Bend, Ind.; Holy Family, Ontonagon; Our Lady Queen of Apostles, Hamtramck; and St. Mary, Ruth. She served as part-time portess in the Provincial Convent in Livonia from 1995-2005, when she was assigned to the Care Center and served as its organist and liturgist.

Sr. Fabiszak is survived by her sister, Ann. Mass of Christian Burial was Oct. 19 in the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chapel in Livonia. Burial was in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Southfield.