Archbishop Edward J. Weisenburger installed as Detroit's sixth archbishop (PHOTOS)

Archbishop-emeritus Allen H. Vigneron gives Archbishop Edward J. Weisenburger his episcopal crosier as Archbishop Weisenburger is escorted for the first time to the cathedra in the sanctuary of the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament during the Mass of installation inaugurating Archbishop Weisenburger's ministry as the sixth archbishop of Detroit on March 18. (Valaurian Waller | Detroit Catholic)

DETROIT — Archbishop Edward J. Weisenburger was installed as the 10th ordinary and sixth archbishop of Detroit during a 2 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Detroit, on Tuesday, March 18.

The installation Mass included a solemn rite in which Archbishop Weisenburger was given his episcopal crosier and took his seat upon his cathedra in the cathedral's sanctuary, signifying the inauguration of his ministry as archbishop of Detroit.

The day's festivities began with a trip to Sacred Heart Major Seminary, where Archbishop Weisenburger spent time in fellowship with fellow priests and bishops during a luncheon. He then ventured to the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, where he answered questions from the media before vesting for Mass. Following his installation Mass, Archbishop Weisenburger returned to the seminary for a reception, where he greeted guests who traveled from across the country to celebrate his appointment.

(Photos by Valaurian Waller and Tim Fuller | Detroit Catholic)

