Keep your Advent merry and bright by attending one of these 13 joy-filled concerts provided by Catholic parishes and schools
DETROIT — Are you the sort of person who refuses to turn on Christmas music until after Thanksgiving? Or have you been blasting “We Three Kings” on the car stereo since September?
Either way, the season is finally here, and in the Archdiocese of Detroit, that means Christmas concerts.
During this season of preparation for Christ's birth, it’s important to take time to worship the coming king in song.
For your convenience, Detroit Catholic has compiled the following list of Christmas concerts during the month of December featuring some of the best local Catholic ensembles and musicians playing classic Christmas hymns, contemporary songs and Advent favorites to help you and your family slow down and remember the reason for the season. Most of the concerts below are free (with a couple of exceptions).
May you and your family enjoy a holy, fruitful Advent this year.
Friday, Dec. 1 (7 p.m.)
'Sing to the Newborn King' at Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Seminarians and friends of Sacred Heart Major Seminary will prepare hearts for the grace of the Christmas season with the seminary’s annual Christmas concert Friday, Dec. 1, at 7 p.m. The free concert, which will include classic carols and hymns of the season, will take place in the seminary’s chapel. RSVP here. For questions, contact Emily Berschback at (313) 596-7424 or [email protected]. The seminary is located at 2701 Chicago Blvd., Detroit.
Saturday, Dec. 2 (5 p.m.)
Holiday Band Concert at Siena Heights University
Join us in The Sister Kevin McLaughlin Music Hall on the campus of Siena Heights University in Adrian for a band concert featuring music from the holidays and classic swing favorites. The band will be conducted by Dan Kesterke. All ages are welcome and admission is free. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Siena Heights University is located at 915 E. Siena Heights Drive, Adrian.
Saturday, Dec. 2 (7 p.m.)
St. Pius X Parish Christmas Concert
Join the Bernard P. O’Brien Knights of Columbus Council 3956 for a Christmas concert Saturday, Dec. 2, at St. Pius X Parish in Southgate, featuring John Tibbs and the Christ the King Eighth Grade Bell Ringers. Open to all, and donations are graciously accepted. Call (734) 285-1100 for information. St. Pius X Parish is at 14101 Superior St., Southgate.
Sunday, Dec. 3 (4 p.m.)
North Oakland Concert Band Presents 'Gloria' at Christ the Redeemer Parish
The North Oakland Concert Band presents our annual holiday concert, titled “Gloria!” at Christ the Redeemer Parish in Lake Orion. The program is sure to get you in the mood for the holidays, with highlights including “Medieval Christmas Fantasy” by Charles J. Torian, Jr. and “Ding Dong! Merrily On High” arranged by Leif Strand, Olov Helge and Jay Dawson. Guest vocalist Pia Broden-Williams will feature on several selections including “Grown-up Christmas” arranged by Michael Brown and “Still, Still, Still” arranged by Ed Huckeby. Small ensembles will be playing to greet our audience starting at 3:30 p.m., followed by our concert at 4 p.m. Christ the Redeemer Parish is located at 2700 Waldon Road, Lake Orion.
Wednesday, Dec. 6 (6:30 p.m.)
Holiday Concert Series Featuring Brother Rice and Marian
Bask in the beautiful sounds of the holiday season and enjoy this rare opportunity to see extraordinarily talented artists up close and personal in an intimate setting. On Dec. 6, the Brother Rice High School Jazz Band and the Marian Melodies will perform Christmas classics at The Community House in downtown Birmingham. Tickets are $40 and include desserts and refreshments. Cash bar available. After the performance, musicians will join the audience to mix and mingle. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., with performance at 7 p.m. The Community House is located at 380 S. Bates St., Birmingham.
Saturday, Dec. 9 (2 p.m.)
'Carols with the Capuchins' at St. Bonaventure Monastery
Join the Capuchin friars in celebrating Advent and the joyful coming of the Christmas season with a festive afternoon of Scripture, prayer and song to prepare for the incarnation of Jesus. This year marks the 800th anniversary of the first Nativity scene in recorded history when St. Francis celebrated Christmas Eve Mass in the town of Greccio, a day’s journey on foot from his hometown of Assisi. The event is free, but free will offerings are gratefully accepted. St. Bonaventure Monastery is located at 1870 Mount Elliott St., Detroit.
Sunday, Dec. 10 (3 p.m.)
'Koledy: A Polish Music Christmas Concert' at Sweetest Heart of Mary
Join an amazing Christmas concert at historic Sweetest Heart of Mary Church in Detroit at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10. The Lira Singers and Lira Chamber Players of the Lira Ensemble of Chicago, Artist-in-Residence at Loyola University, will perform a musical program narrated by Licyna Migala, founder and artistic director. The concert is sponsored by the Polish Institute of Culture and Research at the Orchard Lake Schools. Tickets cost $30 ($25 for students and seniors). Sweetest Heart of Mary Church is located at 4440 Russell St., Detroit. For details, call (248) 836-1284 or email [email protected].
Sunday, Dec. 10 (4 p.m.)
'Let There Be Christmas' at Sacred Heart Parish
Experience a Christmas masterpiece at Sacred Heart Parish in Dearborn at 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10. "Let There Be Christmas," a cantata by Joseph M. Martin, will feature the Sacred Heart Music Ministry and Orchestra. The free concert will be followed by hospitality in the parish hall. Free-will offerings are appreciated. Sacred Heart Parish is located at 22430 Michigan Ave., Dearborn.
Sunday, Dec. 10 (5-7 p.m.)
Our Lady of the Woods Christmas Concert
The talented musicians of Our Lady of the Woods Parish’s music ministry have prepared an evening of both classic holiday tunes as well as contemporary pieces. Admission is free of charge, but a free will offering to support the music ministry is appreciated. Our Lady of the Woods Parish is located at 21892 Gudith Road, Woodhaven.
Tuesday, Dec. 12 (7:30 p.m.)
The Judelaires present 'Christmas in My Memory' at Christ Our Light
Join the first of three free performances by the Judelaires at Catholic parishes in Metro Detroit at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 12, at Christ Our Light Parish in Troy. "Christmas in My Memory" will include songs of the season. Christ Our Light is at 3077 Glouchester Drive, Troy.
Thursday, Dec. 14 (6 p.m.)
The Judelaires present 'Christmas in My Memory' at St. Veronica
Join the second of three free performances by the Judelaires at Catholic parishes in Metro Detroit at 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 14, at St. Veronica Parish in Eastpointe. "Christmas in My Memory" will include songs of the season. St. Veronica is at 21440 Universal Ave., Eastpointe.
Friday, Dec. 15 (7 p.m.)
'Festival of Lessons and Carols' at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament
All are welcome to join an evening of Scripture, prayer and song in preparation for Our Lord’s birth at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Detroit. Detroit Auxiliary Bishop Gerard W. Battersby will lead a reflection, and the evening will feature more than 70 voices from the Cathedral Choir Academy, St. Aloysius Choir, the Schola Cantorum Detroit and the Archdiocesan Singers. Admission and parking are free. Donations welcome. The cathedral is at 9844 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Call (313) 883-2869 for details.

Friday, Dec. 15 (7 p.m.)
Christmas Concert at the National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica
Enjoy a beautiful night of music and prepare your hearts for the coming of Our Lord during a special Christmas concert at the National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica in Royal Oak. The concert will feature the voices and ensembles of the Shrine Music Ministry. The basilica is located at 2100 Twelve Mile Road, Royal Oak.
Friday, Dec. 15 (7 p.m.)
Christmas Concert at St. Vincent Pallotti
St. Vincent Pallotti Parish in Wyandotte will host a Christmas concert at 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 15, at St. Patrick Church in Wyandotte. Music will be provided by the St. Vincent Pallotti Parish Choir and Muinter, a Celtic folk group. St. Patrick Church is located at 135 Superior Blvd., Wyandotte.
Saturday, Dec. 16 (7 p.m.)
'All is Quiet Holiday Concert' at Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Join the second of three performances by the Toledo Choral Society for an unforgettable afternoon of holiday music and community spirit. Admission is free. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish is located at 8350 Lewis Ave., Temperance.
Saturday, Dec. 16 (7 p.m.)
'A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols' at St. Paul on the Lake
Come celebrate this sacred season with "A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols" at St. Paul on the Lake Parish in Grosse Pointe Farms at 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16, featuring 75 voices of the combined adult choirs of St. Paul on the Lake and Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish, under the direction of music ministers Lawrence Przybysz and Aaron Kaliniecki. Free will donations will support the missionary efforts of the Haiti and Africa Relief Team, Inc. (HART). Dessert reception to follow. For information, call (313) 414-4460 or email [email protected]. St. Paul on the Lake is located at 157 Lake Shore Road, Grosse Pointe Farms.
Sunday, Dec. 17 (3 p.m.)
'A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols' at Our Lady Star of the Sea
Come celebrate this sacred season with "A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols" at Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish in Grosse Pointe Woods at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17, featuring 75 voices of the combined adult choirs of St. Paul on the Lake and Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish, under the direction of music ministers Lawrence Przybysz and Aaron Kaliniecki. Free will donations will support the missionary efforts of the Haiti and Africa Relief Team, Inc. (HART). Dessert reception to follow. For information, call (313) 414-4460 or email [email protected]. Our Lady Star of the Sea is located at 467 Fairfield Road, Grosse Pointe Woods.
Sunday, Dec. 17 (3:30 p.m.)St. Edith Parish Christmas Concert
Come enjoy and participate in our annual Christmas concert featuring the different music groups in our parish. St. Edith is at 15089 Newburgh Road, Livonia.
Sunday, Dec. 17 (4 p.m.)
'The Thrill of Hope' at St. Patrick
St. Patrick Parish in White Lake will present "The Thrill of Hope," a new take on lessons and carols, at 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17, featuring traditional Advent hymns and contemporary Christian favorites. The concert will be directed by Dr. William S. Harrison. St. Patrick is located at 9086 Hutchins Road, White Lake.
Sunday, Dec. 17 (7:30 p.m.)
Christmas with the Detroit Concert Choir
Join the Detroit Concert Choir for a special concert at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 17, at Sweetest Heart of Mary. at Glorious music from throughout the ages. Beautiful carols old and new, featuring a brass ensemble, with favorites for all to sing. Truly a holiday tradition! Sweetest Heart of Mary is at 4440 Russell St., Detroit.
Sunday, Dec. 17 (4 p.m.)
'Advent Lessons & Carols' at St. Kieran
St. Therese of Lisieux Parish and St. Kieran Parish in Shelby Township will present a joint musical experience, Advent Lessons & Carols, at St. Kieran Church at 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17. The afternoon will include caroling, prayer and musical reflections by both parishes' music ministries. A free-will offering will be taken up to benefit the music ministries. A light reception will follow. St. Kieran is located at 53600 Mound Road, Shelby Township.
Sunday, Dec. 17 (6:30 p.m.)
'A Celebration of Our Savior's Birth in Song' at St. Lawrence
Join the music ministry of St. Lawrence Parish in Utica for a Christmas concert, “A Celebration of Our Savior’s Birth in Song,” at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17. The free concert is presented by the parish’s Liturgical Choir, Handbell Choir and Instrumentalists. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. St. Lawrence is located at 44633 Utica Road, Utica.
Wednesday, Dec. 20 (6:30 p.m.)
Holiday Concert Series featuring The Joshua Chorale
Bask in the beautiful sounds of the holiday season and enjoy this rare opportunity to see extraordinarily talented artists up close and personal in an intimate setting. On Dec. 20, The Joshua Chorale will perform Christmas classics at The Community House in downtown Birmingham. Tickets are $40 and include desserts and refreshments. Cash bar available. After the performance, musicians will join the audience to mix and mingle. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., with performance at 7 p.m. The Community House is located at 380 S. Bates St., Birmingham.
Wednesday, Dec. 20 (7:30 p.m.)
The Judelaires present 'Christmas in My Memory' at Our Lady Star of the Sea
Join the third of three free performances by the Judelaires at Catholic parishes in Metro Detroit at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 20, at Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish in Grosse Pointe Woods. "Christmas in My Memory" will include songs of the season. Our Lady Star of the Sea is located at 467 Fairford Road, Grosse Pointe Woods.
Know of one we missed? Let us know at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to add it to the list.
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