New president takes helm at De La Salle

Detroit – Focusing ensuring that De La Salle Collegiate “is the best in every area” wil include an emphasis on the school’s “Lasallian mission,” said Bro. Thomas Lackey, FSC, the new president of the Christian Brothers’ all-boys high school in Warren.

“Mission influences every aspect of life at De La Salle, from academics and athletics to faith and the arts. To use the words of our founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle, in writing to his brothers: “It is your primary task to win and touch the hearts of your students,’” said Bro. Lackey, 64, himself a 1965 graduate of the school, which was then in Detroit.

He said it is important that every Christian Brother and those who partner with them in operating De La Salle understand the mission.

“If we can win the hearts of our students, then we can ‘save’ them. For St. John Baptist de La Salle, the word ‘save’ means to save students for God and also save them to play a constructive role in society,” Bro. Lackey continued.

He said he would also concentrate on assuring the financial stability of the school, noting that the recent $5 million gift from Rochester auto dealer Bill Fox, a 1950 alumnus completed the school’s capital campaign, allowing him to target other areas, such as the endowment.

For Bro. Lackey, the new post marks not only a return to the Detroit area and his alma mater, but to a school he also served as a teacher and administrator.

Bro. lackey grew up in Guardian Angels Parish in northeast Detroit, attending the parish grade school before going on to De La Salle for high school.

After high school, he earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology from the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He then earned a master’s degree in Asian studies from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and went on to earn another master’s, in educational leadership, from the University of San Francisco.

Bro. Lackey returned to De La Salle in 1975, and stayed as a faculty member or administrator until 1994, serving as principal during his last nine years their.

During that time, he initiated the school’s varsity soccer program and led the school as it transitioned from its former Detroit home to the current campus in Warren.

He most recently served as director of Lasallian Formation for the Christian Brothers’ United States/Toronto Region.

“Someone asked me what I learned in this job. This was so easy to answer: The brothers and Lasallian partners are so passionate about Lasallian Mission, about helping their students learn and grow, and about their calling to be in over one hundred schools and agencies in the United States and Canada. I am so impressed with the dedication and commitment of so many people,” he said.

His predecessor, Bro. Robert Carnaghi, president 2002-11 — named president emeritus by the Board of Trustees in June, commented, “I am delighted with the board’s selection of Bro. Tom. He is returning ‘home’ where he can continue the many positive accomplishments he achieved during his previous leadership at De La Salle Collegiate.”

Benjamin Aloia, a 1991 grad who now chairs the Board of Trustees, said, “We are elated to have Bro. Thomas Lackey come home to serve as our new president. The board is confident that Bro. Tom’s intelligence, experience and relationship with the De La Salle community will guarantee that the standard of excellence will continue at De La Salle for years to come.”