Moonlight, howling winds and saintly stories: A tour of Ste. Anne 'after dark' (PHOTOS)

Visitors check out the tomb of Fr. Gabriel Richard at the Basilica of Ste. Anne on Oct. 25, illuminated with flashlights during "Ste. Anne After Dark," a look inside the famed church's history, saintly stories and Catholic teaching on the meaning of death. (Photos by Valaurian Waller | Detroit Catholic)

DETROIT — About 20 people experienced the Basilica of Ste. Anne in a unique way Oct. 25 during the basilica's annual "Ste. Anne After Dark" tour.

Inside the darkened basilica, illuminated only by the moon, candles and flashlights, tour participants were treated to a "spooky" history of the church, catechesis on the Catholic understanding of death, and a peek inside some of Ste. Anne's oldest secrets.

Tours quickly book up in early October, but those lucky enough to snag a spot were treated to a guided history of Detroit's Catholic influence, a peek inside the tomb of Fr. Gabriel Richard, and an inside look at Ste. Anne's 1886-built pipe organ, which set the mood for a unique and thrilling event.

Read the full story here.

Photos by Valaurian Waller | Detroit Catholic

Visitors check out the tomb of Fr. Gabriel Richard at the Basilica of Ste. Anne on Oct. 25, illuminated with flashlights during "Ste. Anne After Dark," a look inside the famed church's history, saintly stories and Catholic teaching on the meaning of death. (Photos by Valaurian Waller | Detroit Catholic)
Visitors check out the tomb of Fr. Gabriel Richard at the Basilica of Ste. Anne on Oct. 25, illuminated with flashlights during "Ste. Anne After Dark," a look inside the famed church's history, saintly stories and Catholic teaching on the meaning of death. (Photos by Valaurian Waller | Detroit Catholic)


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