Sr. Mary Annelle (Virginia) Krych, CSSF, of Detroit, age 99 years, religious 80 years, entered eternal life Oct. 25, 2021, in Livonia, Michigan.
Sister Annelle was born October 18, 1922, the seventh of eight children of Stanley and Anna (Rudolph). She was baptized and confirmed at Immaculate Conception Church in Detroit and attended the parish Grade School and High School, completing her last year in the Seminary of the Felician Sisters in Detroit, Mi.
On June 25, 1941 Virginia was accepted into the Felician Congregation, invested with the habit the following August, and received the name Sister Mary Annelle. Final profession was in 1949.

Sister Mary Annelle earned a Bachelor of Arts degree at Mary Manse College in Toledo. With elementary certificates in both Michigan and Indiana, she embarked on a teaching ministry that spanned seven decades. As a teacher for 63 years, 60 were spent teaching 1st grade and 3 years teaching 2nd grade. Her last school assignment of 28 years was at Holy Family School, South Bend, Indiana with the last 7 years of tutoring the children.
With a happy disposition Sister Annelle taught thousands of students across Michigan, Ohio and Indiana in the following schools: St. Florian, Hamtramck and Our Lady Queen of Apostles, Hamtramck; St. Stanislaus, Detroit; St. Adalbert, St. Anthony, and St. Stanislaus, Toledo, Ohio; Holy Rosary, Saginaw; St. Stanislaus, Bay City; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Wyandotte; Holy Family, South Bend, Indiana; St. Michael, Livonia; St. Damian, Westland; St. Stanislaus, Jackson; Our Lady of Refuge, Orchard Lake; St. Thecla, Mt. Clemens; St. Edith, Livonia; St. Dunstan, Garden City; Holy Family, South Bend, Indiana.
Creative and resourceful in planning classroom teaching experiences, Sister Annelle did not just rely on textbook teaching but created ideas and provided materials according to the needs of the student. In 1996, Sister was one of the recipients of the “Light of Learning Awards”, a program in the Fort Wayne South Bend Diocese to honor teachers for their professionalism as educators and their commitment to the Church.
Sister Mary Annelle cherished a deep love of the Eucharist. Through daily Mass, visits to the Blessed Sacrament and the rosary her life of faith continued to be sustained by prayer.
Assigned to Presentation Convent in 2014, Sister Annelle’s teaching ministry ended but not her activity. Involved in the daily happenings, this dynamo of energy with a sparkling personality and witty humor participated in convent arts and crafts right up to Friday, October 22, 2021. She especially enjoyed Bingo and packaging the Rosary Bracelets and was ready to try new things at age 99 – including Virtual Reality. Her last adventure was a lion safari in Africa.
The Lord called her home on the morning of October 25, 2021. Peacefully, she left this earth and went to the God whom she so faithfully and happily served.
Morning Prayer Service began at 10:00 a.m. on October 28, 2021. The Mass of Resurrection was celebrated at 10:30 a.m. by Reverend Gary Tierney, Chaplain, and resident of Clergy Village in Livonia, in the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chapel of the Felician Sisters, Livonia, Michigan. Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Southfield, Michigan was the place of burial.
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