May They Rest in Peace: Sr. Judith Blake, CSJ

Sr. Judith Blake, CSJ, entered into eternal life on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022.

Judith Blake was born in Phoenix, Arizona on July 19, 1944, the daughter of Harlan and Audrey (Dowd) Blake. She was a member of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish in Plymouth, Michigan at the time of her entrance into the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Nazareth on August 27, 1977. She pronounced first vows on July 25, 1982, and final vows on June 8, 1985.

Sr. Judith Blake, CSJ
Sr. Judith Blake, CSJ

Sister Judy earned a BS Degree in Applied Science from Eastern Michigan University, a Master of Ministry Degree from Marygrove College and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from the Ecumenical Theological Seminary. She began her ministry of teaching junior high students at Our Lady of Good Counsel in Plymouth, St. Joan of Arc Parish in St. Clair Shores, and St. Pius X in Flint. She later transitioned into Pastoral Ministry at St. John the Baptist, St. Robert Bellarmine, St. Agnes and St. Luke parishes in the Diocese of Lansing, MI, specifically in adult education, RCIA, and evangelization and as Pastoral Coordinator of St. Luke Parish in Flint.

For many years, Sister Judy has helped the people of Flint as co-founder and co-director of the St. Luke N.E.W. Life Center with Sister Carol Weber, O.P., receiving several awards for their service to the struggling people in Flint, helping them improve their lives as they came to this safe place for food, job-training, education and acceptance. One of her notable publications is “Beyond Survival to New Life -Unleashing the Power Within Each of Us.” Sister Judy possessed a compassionate heart which she attributed as an inheritance from her dear grandmother. At the time of her Silver Jubilee as a Sister of St. Joseph, Sister Judy said: “I bring a love and passion for those who are poor and marginalized. I work for the reconciliation of our neighbors. As a member of this congregation, I have learned how to put our charism into action.”

Sister Judy’s fruitful life on earth has ended; may she now enjoy a place of light, happiness and peace in God’s kingdom of glory forever.

Welcome Home and Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday, Oct. 26, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Burial in Gate of Heaven Cemetery following the Funeral Mass. Live-stream link:
Meeting ID: 826 3349 3337 Passcode: 913276

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