May They Rest in Peace: Sr. Janet Sullivan, IHM

Sr. Janet Sullivan, IHM, 98, died Thursday, Dec. 5, at her home the IHM Senior Living Community, Monroe, Michigan.

Mary Ruby Patricia Sullivan was born March 17, 1926, in Barry’s Bay, Ontario, Canada, into the family of Michael and Catherine (Quilty) Sullivan. The family moved to Detroit in 1927, where she attended St. Cecelia schools and graduated from St. Mary Academy, Monroe. She entered the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Monroe, in 1943 and received the religious name Sister Janet. Religious life was part of the Sullivan family, as four of her sisters also joined the IHM community.

Sr. Janet Sullivan, IHM
Sr. Janet Sullivan, IHM

Sister Janet taught grades two through five in Detroit at Blessed Sacrament, Annunciation, Christ the King and St. Mary of Redford; St. Michael, Flint and St. John, Fenton, where she also served as principal in the early 1970s.

After a year in religious education at St. Monica, Detroit, Sister Janet engaged further in pastoral ministry as part of the pastoral team at St. Ives (Southfield), St. Christine (Detroit), and St. Mary (Charlotte, Michigan).

At St. Lawrence Parish (Utica), Sister Janet flourished in her ministries to the sick, adult religious education and as a pastoral associate. She was beloved by scores of parishioners and touched many lives in her twenty-plus years. Her ministry was celebrated by the parish community at the time of her retirement. She cared for many friendships once she moved to the IHM Motherhouse, Monroe, often visiting with former parishioners and co-workers, all who became friends. All of her ministries benefited from her studies, a bachelor’s degree from Marygrove College and a master’s degree in education from Wayne State University.

When Sister Janet retired to the Motherhouse, she enjoyed the community of sisters and events, spiritual growth, and generous friendships with residents and staff. Sister Janet was known to invite friends and staff to consider participating in the IHM Associate relationship.

Sister Janet is survived by nieces and nephews and her sisters in community. She was preceded in death by brothers Cecil, Clifford, Michael and Terrence; and sisters, Angela Gallagher, Nora Welch, Sylvia Sullivan, Mary Leona (Sr. Marie Sylvia), IHM, Mary Loretta (Sr. Angela), IHM and Genevieve (Sr. Mary Clifford), IHM.

Services will be held at the IHM Motherhouse Chapel, 610 W. Elm Avenue, Monroe, Thursday, Dec. 12. Welcoming of the body begins at 9 a.m., followed by a Remembering and Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. Streaming begins at 10 a.m. Burial will follow in St. Mary Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Rupp Funeral Home. Memorials may be made to the IHM Retirement Fund, 610 W. Elm Avenue, Monroe, Michigan 48162.

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