May They Rest in Peace: Sr. Campion (Mary Ann) Breske, SCC

Sr. Campion Breske, SCC, a Sister of Christian Charity, died on September 28, 2024, at the Convent of the Holy Spirit in Northfield, IL.

Mary Ann Breske was born in Detroit on January 21, 1936. She entered the congregation of the Sisters of Christian Charity on Aug. 27, 1955.

On Aug. 21, 1956, Mary Ann was received into the novitiate and given the name Sister Campion. Two years later, on Aug. 21, 2958, she pronounced her first vows. Six years later Sister Campion made her perpetual profession.

Sr. Campion Breske, SCC
Sr. Campion Breske, SCC

Sister Campion’s first ministry was that of a grade-school teacher. She was assigned to St. Francis School in New Orleans, Louisiana. The next few years saw her at St. Raphael School, also in New Orleans; St. Joseph School in Waconia, Minnesota and then at Holy Trinity School in New Ulm, Minnesota. A call to Westmont, Illinois was followed by assignments to St. Gregory School in Chicago; St. Joseph School in LeMars, Iowa; St. Mary in Westphalia, Michigan; and St. Theresa School in Palatine, IL. In all of these schools Sister Campion taught students in the primary grades in school and in the religious education program.

In August 1987 a new ministry began. Sister Campion resided at Josephinum Convent in Chicago while undergoing training in the deaf ministry. The next year saw her in St. Louis, Missouri, doing ministry to the deaf for the Archdiocesan Office.

In 1991, Sister Campion moved to Eagle Butte, South Dakota, where she ministered to the Native Americans. Six years later Sister Campion was in St. Peter Parish in Fulton, Missouri, serving as Director of Religious Education. She then moved to Holy Ghost Parish in South Holland, Illinois, where she taught Religious Education and helped with pastoral duties in the parish.

At St. Joseph Convent in Wilmette, IL, Sister’s ministry was Activities Coordinator at Sacred Heart Convent. Seven years later she was transferred to Josephinum Convent where she served as local leader and Visiting Eucharistic Minister.

Sister Campion’s active ministry changed to that of patient and prayerful presence at Sacred Heart Convent in December 2017. In 2024 she moved to the Convent of the Holy Spirit in Northfield, Illinois.

The wake for Sister Campion was held on Monday, September 30. The Mass of Christian Burial took place on October 1st. Sister Campion is buried in Maria Immaculata Cemetery, in Wilmette, Illinois.

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