May They Rest in Peace: Sr. Brigetta Slinger, CSJ

Sr. Brigetta Slinger, CSJ, entered eternal life March 17, 2022.

Jane Ann Slinger was born in Grosse Pointe on Jan. 22, 1940, the daughter of John Ross and Loretta (DesRocher) Slinger. She was a member of St. Paul of the Lake in Grosse Pointe at the time of her entrance into the Congregation of Felician Sisters on January 28, 1961. She received the name Sister Brigetta at her reception on August 15, 1961. She pronounced first vows on August 15, 1962 and final vows on August 6, 1968. In 1975 God led Sr. Brigetta to transfer to the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph at Nazareth.

Sr. Brigetta Slinger, CSJ
Sr. Brigetta Slinger, CSJ

Sr. Brigetta received her B.A. Degree from Madonna College with a major in Social Studies and a minor in Elementary Education. She received her M.A. in Elementary Education from Wayne State University in 1976, an Education Specialist in School Administration degree from Michigan State University in 1983, and a MA in Counseling from Webster University in New Mexico in 1998.

Sr. Brigetta began a teaching career at Our Lady of Refuge School in Orchard Lake, Michigan. She taught and was principal in several Michigan schools, including St. Mary, Bronson, St. Stanislaus, Dorr, and St. Jerome, Battle Creek. From 1976-1990 she taught and was also principal at St. Joseph School in Battle Creek, Michigan. In 1990 Sr. Brigetta left Michigan and took a position as Superintendent of Schools in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and Diocese of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Wishing to minister to the economically disadvantaged led her to the Albuquerque Public Schools as a school counsellor, then to her lifelong dream of serving the marginalized in our society: the Native American, Hispanic, homeless and immigrant populations.

Sr. Brigetta was most grateful to her family, her Sisters of the Congregation of St. Joseph, numerous friends, especially Sr. Ada Dominguez, OP and Sr. Lucy Schneider, CSJ, and many colleagues. She believed strongly that God walked with her every moment of her life. She loved life and was a spark of energy, joy and enthusiasm almost until the end of her journey on earth when her health declined and carried her to God’s waiting arms. A favorite Scripture quote surely describes the welcome she has received from her Beloved: “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least of mine, you did to me. Now enter into the home of my Father.” (Matthew 25:40)

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