May They Rest in Peace: Sr. Barbara Mary Dakoske, HVM

Sr. Barbara Mary Dakoske, HVM, died Oct. 28, 2024, while undergoing open heart surgery. She was 85.

Her loving, caring presence was celebrated during a funeral Mass on Monday, Nov. 4, at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Detroit, celebrated by retired Detroit Auxiliary Bishop Donald F. Hanchon. Fr. Tyrone Robinson will concelebrate and preach.

Sr. Barbara Mary Dakoske, HVM
Sr. Barbara Mary Dakoske, HVM

Sr. Dakoske was born March 23, 1939, and served mainly at St. Catherine-St. Martin (now St. Augustine and St. Monica), St. Margaret Mary, Presentation/Our Lady of Victory, St. Luke, and Our Lady Queen of Heaven parishes in Detroit.

Sr. Dakoske initiated the Sisters of Judith, a laywomen’s program, and the Black Catholic Office and programs in Flint. Along with Sr. Elizabeth Harris, Sr. Barbara planted the Home Visitors of Mary’s religious congregation in Nigeria in 2001 and oversaw its formation and growth over the intervening years. Sr. Barbara also has served as the HVM formation person and administrator.

She led a life truly dedicated and fed by her faithfulness to centering prayer.

Burial will be in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Southfield.

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