May They Rest in Peace: Sr. Barbara J. Carroll, OP

Sr. Barbara J. Carroll, OP, formerly known as Sr. James Denise, died on Friday, April 7, 2023, at the Dominican Life Center in Adrian, Michigan. She was 91 years of age and in the 74th year of her religious profession in the Adrian Dominican Congregation.

Sister Barbara was born in Detroit, Michigan, to James and Veronica (Carroll) Carroll. She graduated from St. Joseph Academy in Adrian and received a Bachelor of Philosophy degree in History from Siena Heights College (University) in Adrian.

Sr. Barbara J. Carroll, OP
Sr. Barbara J. Carroll, OP

Sister ministered for 21 years in education in Ft. Wayne, Indiana; Des Moines, Iowa; and Chicago and Mundelein, Illinois. She was a religious education director for nine years at Holy Family Center in Adrian, St. Felix-St. Roch Parish in Caseville, and St. Michael Parish in Port Austin, all in Michigan. Sister was a pastoral minister for four years at St. Bernard Parish in Alpena, Michigan, and one year at St. Michael Parish in New Lothrop, Michigan. From 1992 to 2000, Sister Barbara used her talent in her artistic work. She became a resident of the Dominican Life Center in Adrian in 2012.

Sister Barbara was preceded in death by her parents and two brothers, Edward, and Charles. She is survived by a brother, John Carroll of Naples, Florida, other loving family, and her Adrian Dominican Sisters.

A Funeral Mass was offered in St. Catherine Chapel at 10:30 am Tuesday, April 18, 2023. Prayers of Committal will be held in the Congregation Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, MI, 49221.

Sister ministered Michigan 31 years:

  • St. Mary, Rockwood (1949): Elementary Teacher
  • St. John Baptist, Garden (1949-51): Catechetics
  • St. Bernard, Alpena (1973-77): Pastoral Minister
  • Holy Family Religious Education Center, Adrian (1977-80): Religious Education Coordinator
  • St Felix-St Roch, Caseville (1980-84): Director of Religious Education
  • St. Michael, New Lathrop (1984-85): Pastoral Associate
  • St. Michael Parish, Port Austin (1985-87): Pastoral Assoc/Director Rel. Educ.
  • Graphics by the Piece, Sylvan Lake (1988-92): Artist/Resource
  • Graphics by the Piece, West Bloomfield (1992-2000): Artist/Resource

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