DETROIT -- Marilyn Fisher Lundy, a member of the well-known Detroit Fisher family, died June 26 at the age of 89.
Lundy was best known as the former president and CEO of the League of Catholic Women, a service-oriented nonprofit dedicated to supporting families and improving educational opportunities for the less fortunate in Detroit. The organization is now called Matrix Human Services.
Lundy headed the League of Catholic Women from 1969 to 2000, before which she served as a volunteer board member for five years.
According to a Matrix news release, Lundy "made many contributions during her leadership at Matrix helping disadvantaged children, women and families to discover a better life," especially working with the Matrix Barat Child and Family Services division even after her retirement in 2000.
"She was passionate about Matrix’s mission to end the cycle of poverty, abuse, neglect and continued working with Matrix long after her employment with the organization," the release said.
Marcella Wilson, Matrix's current president and CEO, said Lundy would be remembered at the nonprofits' 108th annual meeting June 27. "Her message of hope and a hand up as the antidote for despair is the foundation of our work," Wilson said.
Another of Lundy's contributions to the organization was helping begin its Head Start program, which helps young children better prepare for early childhood education.
Lundy also served on the Michigan Board of Education from 1988 to 1996, and helped start Michigan's first accredited charter school, laying the groundwork for what would become Casa Richard Academy in 1989.
Lundy was married to the late C. Bradford Lundy for more than 50 years, and was the mother of eight children. She resided in St. Clair Shores.
Funeral arrangements were pending as of Friday morning.