‘Life Runners’ pray for abortive mothers, babies while promoting exercise (VIDEO)

DETROIT — A handful of young adults stand outside near the Dequindre Cut, their breath visible in the cool morning air.

Standing in a semicircle, a priest begins a short prayer, interceding for mothers and fathers considering abortion, for victims of abortion and for the protection of life in all its form.

Then, the group — wearing matching T-shirts emblazoned with Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you” — sets off jogging.

It’s a simple form of witness, but for members of Detroit’s newest chapter of Life Runners, it’s the simple things that can make a powerful difference. 

Part of an international organization that promotes the dignity of human life through running meetups, races and prayer, Detroit’s Life Runners meet through St. Aloysius Parish in downtown Detroit on the fourth Tuesday of the month. 


featured-video Pro-life Young adult