Flocknote, Dynamic Catholic partner for deeper parish conversations around God this Lent

A crown of thorns is pictured during Lent at Jesus the Good Shepherd Church in Dunkirk, Md., April 7, 2022. (OSV News photo/CNS file, Bob Roller)

(OSV News) -- Parishes will have a new way of drawing faithful together during Lent, thanks to a partnership between two popular providers of evangelization resources.

Dynamic Catholic is making its "Best Lent Ever" content available for free through Flocknote, a text and email messaging software platform used by some 9,000 churches, according to that company.

Flocknote administrators will now be able to share customizable email and text message templates with Dynamic Catholic's Lenten video reflections (available only in English at this time) that encourage viewers to discern the "holy moments" that reveal God's presence in their lives.

Those moments present "an invitation to collaborate with God," Jack Beers, Dynamic Catholic's vice president of ministry, told OSV News via email. "(Catholics) learn to live the Gospel in everyday opportunities impacting their lives in simple but profound ways."

"Best Lent Ever" is a "simple and practical" program that can touch "particularly the disengaged members that parishes often struggle to reach the most," Flocknote founder and CEO Matthew Warner told OSV News via email.

Flocknote deepens the program's impact, he added.

"In the past … Catholics could only participate as individuals. Now, with Flocknote and this new partnership, parishes can do 'Best Lent Ever' together as a community," Warner told OSV News. "The content is sent from the parish; parishioners can reply back to their leaders, ask questions, and engage in conversations with each other and around the content."

He added, "It becomes a touch point for a parish to build a deeper relationship with their people during Lent, engage them in meaningful conversations, and help parishioners on the fringes take a step deeper into their own parish community and toward the sacraments."

Parish communications directors can expect a "virtually plug-and-play" experience when sharing the videos, said Warner.

Beers confirmed there are "absolutely no charges" for the "Best Lent Ever" content, which will be available to both free and paid users of Flocknote.

Warner told OSV News "Best Lent Ever" will "(empower parishes) to do something simple that truly moves the needle this Lent."

