Preaching to a full cathedral during annual Catholic Schools Week Mass, archbishop urges students to be lights to the world
DETROIT — Hundreds of Catholic students from middle and high schools across the Archdiocese of Detroit gathered Jan. 30 at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament to celebrate a Mass in thanksgiving for their Catholic education alongside Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron.
Archbishop Vigneron told the students their Catholic education not only prepares them to be successful in their lives and vocations, but also prepares them to be lights to the world.
“The geometry, mathematics, reading and spelling and social sciences, the sports programs, all of the clubs, the language studies, they’re all geared to equip you to be, as many would say, ‘the best that you can be,’” Archbishop Vigneron said. “But we have a vision for your best: your best is to be a part of the work of Jesus Christ.”
The annual Mass is an integral part of the archdiocese’s Catholic Schools Week celebration, with dozens of schools busing in students from throughout southeast Michigan to hear a message from the archbishop.
At the end of the Mass, Alliance Catholic Credit Union presented the winners of its ninth annual "Live It. Show It. Share It" Scholarship Contest with certificates. The 10 student finalists will receive $20,000 in scholarships, with the first-place winner receiving $6,000.
Archbishop Vigneron explained that faith is a crucial part of Catholic education.
“(Faith) is the central energy for everything that happens between you and the teachers and everybody else engaged in assisting you to advance your education,” Archbishop Vigneron said. “It’s not a layer put on top of the substance of school, but it is a leaven — a yeast. You put leaven into dough, and it rises. Faith is a leaven to what we are engaged in as we assist you in advancing your education.”
Education is ordered toward a higher purpose, Archbishop Vigneron continued.
“It’s all ordered to that purpose to help you live flourishing, fruitful, and happy lives,” Archbishop Vigneron added.
Archbishop Vigeron explained that in Catholic schools, the teachers, parents, pastors and staff have a vision to help students live a happy life — and that vision is based on faith in Jesus Christ.
“It’s ultimately a vision based on this conviction given to us by Jesus that you are made to serve him and to advance his mission in the world. He came to save the world to bring it back from destruction, from the blight of sin, and you have a mission to accomplish to bring the purpose of Jesus to fruition and fulfillment. That's the leaven in your education,” Archbishop Vigneron said.
Archbishop Vigneron encouraged the students not to hide their light under a bushel, but to share the light of Christ with the world.
“That’s your vocation: each of you is called to be a light to the world, to share the light of Christ, to be one more lamp in the dark world,” Archbishop Vigneron said. “That is why we believe that whatever sacrifices we make, whatever we can give you to help you have a good Catholic education, will give glory to God.”
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During Catholic Schools Week, the Archdiocese of Detroit's Department of Catholic Schools invites parents, alumni, teachers, faculty and others to share their connection to Catholic education by taking a few moments to complete this brief survey and help us shape a bright future.
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