Everest among 19 schools nationwide, first in Michigan, listed in Newman Guide

The Newman Guide, produced by the Cardinal Newman Society, for the first time recognized K-12 institutions “that are committed to upholding the standards of faithful Catholic education.” Everest Collegiate High School and Academy is the first Michigan high school recognized in the guide, after having been recognized by the society as a "School of Excellence" since 2012. (Photos courtesy of Everest Collegiate High School and Academy)

Clarkston high school earns rare honor after being listed as a 'School of Excellence' by the Cardinal Newman Society since 2012

CLARKSTON — The Cardinal Newman Society was founded in 1993 to “promote and defend Catholic education.” Since 2007, the Cardinal Newman Society has published the Newman Guide, recognizing exemplary Catholic colleges and universities.

Prior to 2023, the society also published a Catholic High School Honor Roll listing what it called “Schools of Excellence” in Catholic education. Last year, the society discontinued the Honor Roll and expanded its Newman Guide to include recommendations for Catholic schools from kindergarten through high school, as well as college graduate programs.

The first Catholic K-12 school to make the list in the Archdiocese of Detroit, as well as in the state of Michigan, is Everest Collegiate High School and Academy in Clarkston.

Nationwide, just 19 Catholic school received recognition in this year's guide.

“More than 75,000 Catholic families visit the Newman Guide online every year to find faithful Catholic education,” said Kelly Salomon, vice president of Newman Guide programs. “We are pleased to recommend Everest Collegiate High School and Academy in the guide. We believe Everest is a model in the integral formation of students, including frequent access to the sacraments, and an emphasis on the development of virtue and apostolic mission.”

Everest students pray in the school's chapel. The school's commitment to Catholic identity and access to the sacraments and religious education was part of the reason for its recognition in this year's Newman Guide.
Everest students pray in the school's chapel. The school's commitment to Catholic identity and access to the sacraments and religious education was part of the reason for its recognition in this year's Newman Guide.

Everest has been recognized in the past by the Cardinal Newman Society as a member of its Honor Roll. Its administrators expressed joy at the school's inaugural recognition as part of the Newman Guide.

“I am thrilled,” Everest president Mike Nalepa said. “Since 2012, Everest has received recognition from the Cardinal Newman Society as a School of Excellence, and now in the new Newman Guide, listing schools that stand as a model of faithful Catholic education nationwide. Please join me in congratulating our entire faculty and staff on this achievement.”

The Newman Society is named after St. John Henry Newman, who is quoted prominently on the society’s website as saying: “I want a laity … who know their religion, who enter into it, who know just where they stand, who know what they hold and what they do not, who know their creed so well that they can give an account of it, who know so much of history that they can defend it.”

Cardinal Newman was well known for his involvement in education, and was an advocate for Catholic, liberal arts education. In his Idea of a University, the saint wrote that to “withdraw theology” from colleges is to “impair the completeness and to invalidate the trustworthiness of all that is actually taught in them.”


Catholic schools