Catholic Schools Week 2023: Celebrating students

Anna Beck, a senior at Marian High School in Bloomfield Hills, has been involved in Model United Nations and other extracurriculars during her time at Marian. Beck loves learning about God in school and said she's always known Marian was "where I wanted to be." (Daniel Meloy | Detroit Catholic)

During Catholic Schools Week, Jan. 29 to Feb. 4, we celebrate what makes our Catholic schools special places of learning, faith formation and growth. Each day, we recognize a different member of the Catholic schools "family."

Today, we honor our students. Here's a brief testimonial from Anna Beck, a senior at Marian High School in Bloomfield Hills.

I have gone to Marian for all four years of my high school experience, I love it here. One of my favorite places to be in the world. I’ve been going to Catholic schools for 13 years. I always knew I wanted to go to Catholic schools from a young age. My parents would take me to Mass when I was at St. Regis, and I would think, "This is so exciting. When can I have the bread — the Eucharist?" I always knew Marian, a Catholic school, was where I wanted to be.

I loved the idea of getting to learn about God in school. Since I began at Marian, my faith has matured as I’ve matured. I was excited to learn about the sacraments, the teachings of the faith, and being allowed to talk about God in school.

When I entered Marian, I was very shy. I went to St. Regis, so I’ve been on the same plot of land for years. But I remember being very shy, not very confident. I don’t know how to put it, but I feel like I’m a totally different person than I was four years ago. I’m stronger, more confident, and my teachers have gone above and beyond in saying this is where I’m meant to be and where I learn what God has always meant for me to be.

—Anna Beck, Marian High School, Senior


Catholic schools