Candidates, catechumens prepare for home stretch to Easter with Rite of Election (PHOTOS)

Two young men sign their names in the Book of the Elect, a symbol of their commitment to enter Christ's Church during this year's Easter vigil. Candidates and catechumens joined Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron or Detroit's auxiliary bishops in one of several Rite of Election celebrations Feb. 25-26. (Photos by Alissa Drouillard | Special to Detroit Catholic)

DETROIT — Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron and Detroit's auxiliary bishops welcomed hundreds of catechumens and candidates to the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament on Feb. 25-26, an important stop along their journey to becoming full members of the Catholic Church at Easter.

The bishops celebrated the annual Rite of Election, which is part of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA), with candidates, catechumens and their sponsors from more than 200 parishes in southeast Michigan. Catechumens are those who will receive baptism, first holy Communion and confirmation at the Easter vigil, while candidates are those already baptized who will receive one or both of the other two sacraments of initiation.

(Photos by Alissa Drouillard | Special to Detroit Catholic)

