Detroit's first Motor City baby shower to offer hope and support to families

Last year, Right to Life of Michigan organized the first Baby Shower in Lansing. The event took place at Sharp Park and it was a success: all families left with valuable information and a gift for their babies. (Photos courtesy of María Teresa García, Right to Life of Michigan)

Right to Life of Michigan and The Reconciled Church are hosting a public baby shower to support pregnant women, mothers in need

Editor's note: The following story was originally published in Spanish on Detroit Catholic's sister publication, Detroit Catholic en Español.

DETROIT – In an effort to lend a helping hand to families facing challenges during pregnancy and parenting, Detroit is set to host its first-ever Motor City Baby Shower on Saturday, May 18, in the inviting setting of Clark Park.

The event, organized by Right to Life of Michigan's Multicultural Outreach and The Reconciled Church, is free for all attendees. However, organizers suggest registering beforehand to ensure better assistance and availability of baby items.

The concept of the Baby Shower took root last year in Lansing, where a similar gathering was held at Sharp Park with great success. María Teresa, a representative of Right to Life of Michigan, explained in an interview with Detroit Catholic en español that the inspiration behind this event came from a desire to make a difference and initiate change.

The decision to host the event at Clark Park is designed to make sure everyone in the community, regardless of their background or religion, can easily participate.
The decision to host the event at Clark Park is designed to make sure everyone in the community, regardless of their background or religion, can easily participate.

Sometimes, there's a mistaken perception that the pro-life movement only cares about the baby being born and then forgets about the mother, overlooking the ongoing needs of pregnant women or those with young children.

However, the initiative seeks to change this perception by offering a space of support and solidarity where all women, regardless of their situation, feel supported and valued. This event is not just for pregnant women but also for those who already have families and require assistance so they can receive comprehensive support.

"We want them to know they're not alone and that there's plenty of information and help available for them," said Teresa.

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With that in mind, a variety of organizations have been invited to set up informational booths, including those offering marital support, maternal education and job resources. The goal is to address the emotional, spiritual and financial needs of families, ensuring they have access to a wide range of resources and services.

The collaboration of these organizations will ensure that the event provides families with an opportunity to receive valuable information and connect with the services they need to thrive.

Several organizations will be present with informational booths, aiming to address the emotional, spiritual, and financial needs of families, ensuring they have access to a wide range of resources.
Several organizations will be present with informational booths, aiming to address the emotional, spiritual, and financial needs of families, ensuring they have access to a wide range of resources.
The collaboration of these organizations will ensure that families can receive valuable information and connect with the services they need to thrive.
The collaboration of these organizations will ensure that families can receive valuable information and connect with the services they need to thrive.

One of the pro-life organizations participating in the event is Guadalupe Workers. We aim to provide women with access to all available resources in the area, ensuring they receive the support and material assistance they need", said Alicia Wong from Guadalupe Workers.

"Our organization is dedicated to assisting mothers in establishing themselves, pursuing further education, and obtaining better employment opportunities so that the whole family can move forward, ensuring no child is left behind."

Wong emphasizes that pregnant mothers require access to quality resources and medical support in environments where life is respected and valued. Frequently, they experience feelings of desperation and uncertainty, unsure of where to seek help. In many instances, they often encounter situations where hospitals advocate abortion as the primary solution, without addressing the mother's difficulties or upholding the dignity of both her and the unborn child.

That’s why it’s vital to provide them with information and resources from organizations that are committed to defending life and human dignity.

"Attending this event can introduce people to a community different from what they're used to. Those of us gathering on Saturday understand that life is a divine gift and that mothers, children, and families as a whole deserve respect and dignity. Here, they will find that kind of support," Wong reflected.

According to María Teresa, it is essential to provide information and resources from organizations committed to defending human life and dignity.
According to María Teresa, it is essential to provide information and resources from organizations committed to defending human life and dignity.
Attending this event can introduce people to a community different from the one they’re accustomed to.
Attending this event can introduce people to a community different from the one they’re accustomed to.

The Motor City Baby Shower, scheduled for May 18, aligns with both Mother's Day month and the month of Mary, adding a special significance to the celebration of life and motherhood.

Moreover, the choice to hold the event at Clark Park is designed to allow everyone in the community, regardless of background or religion, to easily participate.

"We chose the park because it’s a public space open to all. This way, we can have more vendors and activities available. Plus, it’s a great place for kids to play and enjoy themselves," said Kristal Kinard, one of the event organizers.

At the Baby Shower, families will have the chance to partake in a wide array of activities and resources. From children’s games and food stalls to booths providing community and parenting resources, the event is set to be a rewarding experience for all who attend.

Teresa said that donations have been pouring in, both in person and online, to support the event. In addition, they are accepting donations of gently used baby clothing to ensure all families have access to the essentials.

María Teresa explained that donations have been received both in person and online to support the event.
María Teresa explained that donations have been received both in person and online to support the event.
On that day, all attendees will be able to take home diapers, baby clothes, formula milk, bottles, and wipes, making sure nobody leaves empty-handed
On that day, all attendees will be able to take home diapers, baby clothes, formula milk, bottles, and wipes, making sure nobody leaves empty-handed

Mothers who are interested in attending the event are encouraged to register online. During registration, they will be asked for basic information such as their name, phone number, and email for contact purposes. They will also be asked about their current circumstances and the kind of support they might need during this time, whether it’s basic necessities, government assistance, job search help, or spiritual support.

Following this, they get the chance to select a significant gift like a baby car seat or a stroller. Pre-registration is recommended to receive the gift during the event. On that day, they can also take home essentials like diapers, baby clothes, baby formula, bottles, and wipes, making sure nobody leaves empty-handed.

The Baby Shower in Detroit is more than just an event; it's a manifestation of love and solidarity toward families in need of support during pregnancy and parenting. Through activities, resources, and baby items, it seeks to bring hope and joy to all attending families.

"The Baby Shower is like a celebration, a party for moms, especially those without family here. It’s a way to celebrate their lives and the lives of their babies," concluded María Teresa.

Right to Life of Michigan and The Reconciled Church are hosting the Motor Baby Shower. We invite pregnant women and mothers in need of assistance to join us at Clark Park on Saturday, May 18th, at 12:00 p.m.

If you would like to contribute a donation, please contact Tina Teifer at (312) 212-1326 or [email protected].

