DETROIT — On Jan. 28, 2009, the Archdiocese of Detroit welcomed home its native son as Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron received his crozier and cathedra from Detroit's retiring Cardinal Adam J. Maida.
Fifteen years later, Archbishop Vigneron's episcopacy has changed the local Church for the better. From leading a transformative synod to authoring a pastoral letter, Unleash the Gospel, that placed witness to Christ as the archdiocese's foremost concern, the archbishop has steadfastly kept his promise to keep his "eyes fixed on Jesus" as he leads the Archdiocese of Detroit.
With the rest of the local Church, Detroit Catholic offers its gratitude and prayers for the archbishop's leadership, and asks God to continue to guide him in his ministry to southeast Michigan's faithful.
In October, Archbishop Vigneron sat down with Detroit Catholic for a wide-ranging reflection on his ministry, which can be read here. Below are a sample of images from Archbishop Vigneron's 15 years as archbishop of Detroit.
(Detroit Catholic file photos)

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