Solemn act follows reconsecration of the nations by the bishops of the United States and Canada on Friday
DETROIT — Detroit Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron continued the rotation the archdiocese’s bishops in reciting the rosary at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament on May 6, praying for an end to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Each week since the pandemic began, Detroit’s bishops have prayed the rosary each Wednesday at the cathedral, livestreamed to the faithful.
Archbishop Vigneron then reconsecrated the Archdiocese of Detroit to Mary, Mother of the Church, asking for her intercession and protection against the coronavirus, joining bishops across Canada, Mexico and the United States in invoking the Blessed Mother’s protection.

“’Peace be with you,’” Archbishop Vigneron said to begin the livestream. “When our Lord greeted the disciples, he used this same greeting, ‘Peace be with you.’ We are coincided with this peace, in this difficult time, as we turn as a Church to Mary, Mother of Peace and the Church, to help all those affected by this pandemic. As we join together to renew the consecration of our country to the Mother of God, we implore to her most necessarily for her eternal care, the care for all of us, her children.”
Archbishop Vigneron then recited the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary with Deacon Drew Mabee, a fourth-year seminarian from Sacred Heart Major Seminary, who is to be ordained a priest this June.
Archbishop Vigneron reminded the faithful that the usual conditions for receiving a plenary indulgence for reciting the rosary during the coronavirus pandemic may be fulfilled at a later date. Those usual conditions include the sacrament of reconciliation, reception of holy Communion, praying for the intentions of the Holy Father and a detachment from sin.

After the rosary, Archbishop Vigneron entrusted the archdiocese to the care of the Blessed Virgin, asking for God’s protection over front-line workers, those working to fine a cure to the COVID-19 disease, those inflicted with the disease, those who have died in the pandemic and the family and loved ones who have suffered because of the virus.
“Mary, let every desire be heard and flourish in charity for all who look to you in this time of crisis,” Archbishop Vigneron said. “Guide us, we pray, along the path of holiness, Mary, Our Mother. Bring everyone under your protection, entrusting everyone to your beloved son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord.”