Archbishop kicks off Holy Week with Palm Sunday Mass at cathedral (PHOTOS)

DETROIT — On a sunny Sunday morning, April 2, Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron kicked off Holy Week celebrations in the Archdiocese of Detroit by celebration a Palm Sunday Mass at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Holding an elaborately weaved palm frond, the archbishop blessed the palms with holy water before processing into the cathedral for the reading of the Lord's Passion.

Archbishop Vigneron remarked that the reading of the Passion, which precedes the Sacred Triduum in the Church's liturgical calendar, is a precursor to what Catholics will contemplate in a few days' time. In particular, he said, the Passion is a reminder of why Jesus went through the agony he experienced on the cross: to save his people out of love.

"Each of us, as we hear the account of the Lord's passion, has our attention captured by one or another details in this sacred mystery," Archbishop Vigneron said in his homily. "For me, it was to remember that when Our Lord died, the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom, indicating that the presence of God was no longer confined to the holy of holies, but by the outpouring of Christ's blood, God became present in the lives of his people."

(Photos by Valaurian Waller | Detroit Catholic)


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