Archbishop compiles spiritual meditation from St. Junipero Serra's writings

Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, is seen May 1, 2020, from the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles. (CNS photo/Victor Aleman, courtesy Angelus News)

LOS ANGELES (CNS) -- Here is a meditation based on the writings of St. Junipero Serra compiled by Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, which he included in his June 29 column on the saint in Angelus,, the online news platform of the archdiocese. The saint's feast day is July 1:

"On the Mercy of God: A Spiritual Meditation from the Writings of St. Junipero Serra"

O Lord, You are complete mercy, complete love,
and complete tenderness toward all men and women,
even toward the most ungrateful sinners.
You wish all people to attain the ends
for which You compassionately created us.
You yearn that we might believe
that You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life,
and advance toward the salvation You will for us.

You are sweet and gentle,
and You call us in the gentleness of Your divine voice,
in the sweet and gentle tones of a Father
addressing his favorite child.
You extend the golden bonds of Your goodwill and love,
You pardon us in your mercy.

Father of all mercy and consolation,
pour forth the abundance of Your love with mercy.
By your mercy, conquer every type of malice.
Help us to leave not only our faults,
but the bad habits and situations in our lives which lead to these faults,
that we might love You alone.

Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening with a contrite heart.
Help us to begin right now to realize the truth!
To be entirely animated by love of You,
Help us begin to live a holy life,
with a burning love and zeal for the salvation of our neighbors.
Make us more gentle, more calm,
more nurturing and strong.

Remind us of Your gentle goodwill, O Lord.
May we never be severe or harsh.
May we see in everyone, a child whom You have created and
redeemed with the most precious blood of Your Son.
Teach us to know that You value kindness,
that love is the best way to attract people to You.
May we always help others to taste and see
the sweetness and gentleness of Your love.

Let us bear every hardship
for the love of You and the salvation of souls.
In our trials, may we know that we are loved as Your own children.
To a willing heart all is sweet,
so grant us love and patience, and
conform us always to Your will, O God.

We entrust ourselves to the
Ever-Immaculate Queen Mary
and say with the Angel, Hail Mary.
