A blessed new beginning for the Archdiocese of Detroit (HIGHLIGHT VIDEO)

DETROIT — The installation Mass of Archbishop Edward J. Weisenburger as the sixth archbishop of Detroit, held on March 19, was a joyous and blessed occasion.

Relive the powerful moments from this historic Mass as Archbishop Weisenburger begins his journey with the Archdiocese of Detroit. Please continue to pray for Archbishop Weisenburger, his predecessor Archbishop-emeritus Allen H. Vigneron, and all the faithful in the Archdiocese of Detroit.

Follow along on Archbishop Weisenburger’s journey at @detroitarchbishop on Instagram and stay connected with Detroit Catholic for ongoing coverage of this blessed moment and the start of his episcopacy in Detroit.

(Video by Andrew Kleczek | Detroit Catholic)


Episcopal transition Bishops Archdiocese of Detroit featured-video